Saturday, October 19, 2013

PM’s overture to tide over crisis

PM’s address to the nation against the backdrop of an imminent opposition-ruling party confrontational posturing should cool the nerves by virtue of the directional nature of her speech. Although it needs further clarification, she has outlined a three-stage offer along the lines of which a dialogue could take place between political forces so far intensely exercised over an interim poll-time government.
The Prime Minister in the main has offered formation of an all-party government. To that end, she has invited the opposition to name their MPs for the composition of an interim all-party government. We hope the opposition would be given a weightage beyond its number in parliament in the same spirit that the PM had exuded at the time of inauguration of the ninth parliament.
The second part of the PM’s overture is an invitation to the opposition to bring up an adjournment motion before the parliament, clearly stating the formula of what it intends to have by way of an interim poll time government.
The third part of the PM’s offer comes along these lines: she would herself send her recommendations to the President in writing for dissolution of parliament and she expects the opposition’s advice to be made available in this regard.
The PM’s overall spirit comes through her call for removing distrust and holding an election in a non-confrontational atmosphere.
Both the PM and the opposition leader have reiterated that they don’t want any conflict and that they seek a negotiated settlement. We believe the PM has put across some positive signals around which an ambience for a dialogue can be built and moot points tabled by both sides with greater clarity so that the nation can confidently move on to the path of an election that will be participated by all parties with an assured credible outcome.

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